About Us

We are an urban version of the news companies that triggered an insatiable thirst for information causing newspapers to sell like hot cakes each morning. We differ a bit in that we utilize the best forms of technology to deliver the updates to our audience, a million long reach; and that we are mainly focused on telling technology aligned stories.

No news story is ever of less value than the last, as such we are always sharing with the same intensity and hoping to educate as many people about all articles.

Through the platform, we have managed to keep our readers well above and beyond the rest of their friends, who only get wind of the latest technology through our readers and their social media profiles sharing.

Stark in the middle of the news and the readers, we are under a lot of pressure to deliver only the most valuable of updates that quench the need for knowledge around each topic we send out. Slightly obsessed with the technology they cover, our writers have always been up to the task, and also always cause for readers to discuss their views on all published news. They basically hold the company up.